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intj death stare
INTJ psychology

INTJ Death Stare Meaning

By on November 19, 2016

Does the situation when people ask you if you are somehow angry or why you look so serious sounds familiar and confusing? The most common reason for this is your INTJ death stare, an expression, which is mostly misinterpreted as a negative feeling and probably making others feel a bit uncomfortable. It is because of intense staring into a certain direction or at the random spot on the wall or somewhere else. You could probably see the same facial expression when you walk into a computer room and see everyone staring at the screen. That’s why others might be suspicious about it. Mostly, the death stare is not a mere intimidation tactic. It can be defined as a state of being and it can be seen as a unique way to express the highest point of consciousness.  It is much more than just a simple facial expression.

1. INTJ death stare: I am thinking

INTJ death stare usually means that (s)he is thinking about something really deep. Maybe it is a complex situation which INTJ is trying to solve or just a few theories which INTJ person is trying to combine together.

Thoughts in INTJ head turns into visual interpretation or graphical model and INTJs want to be sure they won’t miss any detail of it. This process isn’t simple for an INTJ, because it is hard to pick up the best idea out of all the others.  INTJs just sink inside their heads and get disconnected from the real world. This new idea exploration is the reason of their facial expression, which turns into a really deadly glare.

Ideas flow in INTJs heads at any time, so their death stare can occur suddenly, leaving them without knowing that they look angry without any serious reason. Especially it happens in public or in a place, where their mind is free to create an entire circuit of brilliant ideas. For example, sometimes it is interesting to plunge into psychology while trying to guess what each person’s expressed body language means or try to guess relationship status between few random people or just simply calculate the distance between tree leaves and merge it to the universe circle and so on.

2. INTJ death stare: I am bored

The death stare can also appear when INTJ is really bored in a particular situation. It is an escape from a boring event or conversation. Sometimes there is no need for an INTJ to run away from that kind of situations. In this case, INTJ may not only think about some ideas but also simply fall into imagination, various interesting scenarios, in which they stick up to some situations and visualize its solution. They might seem detached, but they will mostly show some reaction when needed – like nod their head.

3. INTJ death stare: I am resistant

Death glare is also common as an INTJ way of showing some resistance. Sometimes it happens in a workplace or serious meetings where INTJ won’t always face a friendly work environment. They will simply remain silent in order to avoid possible conflicts. INTJs will let the world burn and wait until someone asks their help. People will probably notice death stare after trying to confront an INTJ in an attempt to intimidate h(im/er) into doing something that others need. That face expression can also become really tough while keeping thoughts such as “shut the fuck up, I don’t care” inside their head. INTJs have some issues with authority, so it can become really complicated when their stubborn nature is being damaged. In these particular situations, INTJs will probably know that they are expressing a death stare and might really use it as a way of showing some resistance in uncomfortable situations just to protect themselves.

4. INTJ death stare: I am interested

INTJs also tend to look deep into someone’s eye, if they catch their interest. It just happens when a conversation becomes really informative and fascinating, so INTJs might not control their facial expression. Death stare is a way to show that an INTJ is interested in every word the other person is telling. Especially when INTJ don’t want to miss any details.

Death stare will also appear when INTJ gets into an interesting discussion. But INTJ doesn’t want to kill a discussion partner, INTJ just tries to challenge him and see how strong opinion and arguments h(is/er) discussion partner really has.

5. INTJ death stare: I am angry

And of course, it is one of the ways INTJs express anger which happens really rarely, because INTJs prefer not to show their emotions at all. But when it happens, their death stare becomes really natural. If they genuinely can’t stand someone or simply want them to shut up, they’ll try to make their glare look like predators stare and make it very noticeable. There is nothing worse for an INTJ than facing stupidity, so they might not always be able to hide their emotional undertones on their face very well.

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